
We will develop a strategy to tell your customers and the world who you are. First, you need to be able to answer a few questions. What about your message is getting lost and needs to be communicated? How do you communicate it to potential new customers? This isn’t accomplished just by dumping money into advertising

Every marketing decision you make should be calculated and cohesive, from how the menu looks, the design and ease-of-use of your website, how food bloggers talk about you and the content you display publicly through social media. Everything you do to market your business is building on one theme.

When we are finished, you will

  • Have a marketing strategy in place and be able to communicate it to your staff.
  • How to maximize your relationship with a PR firm
  • Know how to approach relationships with food media, including bloggers and food critics.
  • Maximize website opportunities. Have a social media presence, and know how to maximize it
  • Have consistent internal marketing, from your menu placements to staff narratives.

Marketing isn’t just about reaching new customers; it is about making sure your existing customers are absorbing the message as well. Our goal is to help develop this message so clearly that each person (whether a publicist, blogger, or customer) promotes your venue the same way.

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